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Health Reimagined. Health Restored.

What does it mean to be healthy? In mind, body, and spirit?

Health and wellness for many people unfortunately erodes over time due to a variety of factors and life circumstances. Compromised health and wellness is generally believed to be linked to injuries, acute or persistent illness (disease processes), or the aging process. The prevailing belief in the traditional medical model is that patients require external help in the form of pills or surgery or both to mitigate the deleterious effects of disrupted health and wellness. The individual and the power she or he possesses (from an internal perspective) that includes recognizing the importance of becoming educated about naturopathic or natural solutions is mostly ignored by the medical model. In the medical model, the locus of control rests outside the individual who passively receives care. On the other hand, in the naturopathic model, control rests with the individual who is encouraged and empowered to seek knowledge that can fuel internally motivated action steps that inevitably lead to life affirming changes.

It is a hard truth to acknowledge, however, that all-too often the health-related challenges we face are the result of our free will. In other words, the choices we have made - our actions or inactions. The medical model asserts that many obstacles we face are beyond our control and reflect the natural ebb and flow of age-related health declines, for example, or so we have been told.

Most of us have believed that falsehood and have gone all-in on surrendering to the notion that there are only three pathways to contend with health-related matters - prescription drugs, surgery, or denial. Again, naturopathic pathways such as nutrition, therapeutic movement, faith-based meditation, and participation in meaningful occupations, to name a few, are all-too often an afterthought, an asterisk, or ignored altogether.

We should be encouraged to discover that we can choose both selective therapeutic assessments and interventions that the medical model sometimes offers (external approach) combined with the life affirming pathway of naturopathic remedies (internal approach). However, it is the naturopathic approach that is foundational or primary with the medical model serving in a supportive or complementary role for general health and wellness in mind, body, and spirit.

All that matters now is our willingness to envision a new story for ourselves. And we are the only ones who get to tell it because everyone’s story is singularly and uniquely their own. Why is it difficult for some of us to recalibrate our thinking about health and wellness? Examining three brief case studies can hopefully shed some light on this important issue.

For some of us, the most pressing challenges in life came when we were children, innocence incarnate, and now we work in earnest to overcome the painful narrative of the past and write a new story of redemption and restoration. Still others, perhaps parents who have taken on the new role of grandparent, find themselves facing acute or persistent challenges that are much more in the present - the here and now. They wonder how their story replete with surrendered abilities and interests could ever be an inspiration to anyone, especially to their grandchildren - their living legacy. Finally, for the lucky few, health and wellness are simply taken for granted because they have been blessed not to be distracted by the acute or chronic distractions of compromised health and wellness.

It’s a good reminder that we are not alone. There are common or universal experiences we share with others that connect us. We complement and sometimes complete each other’s life story. It’s both our shared lived experiences as well as the wisdom necessary to solve problems that bring unwanted drama and hardships that reinforces the notion that everyone on the planet is part of one human family. Like the song used to say, we are family. We are all God’s children and have been created in His own image. We are precious in His eyes. But we live in an imperfect world that some would say is fallen, which means we must choose to see the good in the world and others including ourselves. And deciding to work toward achieving better health and wellness is also a choice. Change begins with recalibrating our perception and adjusting our mindset from what we think must be to what we believe can and, in fact, will be.

The bottom line? Health and wellness can be reimagined and then restored incrementally by one courageous thought, decision, and step at a time. In other words, your new narrative will be achieved through what we like to call - incremental miracles.

Let Harmony Cubed help you dare to dream again and get back in the game! Start envisioning what health reimagined might look like for you or someone you love. Perhaps your new narrative will include more time spent with family and friends while participating in activities that are meaningful and life affirming.

Harmony Cubed has the information, products, and services that will foster health reimagined in mind, body, and spirit.

Let’s us help you write your next chapter today!

Health Reimagined. Health Restored

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Feb 03
Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

The concept that you mentioned regarding external ( medical) and internal ( natural methods) has resonated with me . I am going to take some time to really think on this concept.


Feb 03
Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

Insightful. Thanks.

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