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Family Alter: Remembrance, Celebration, & Intercession

Creating a family altar, deeply rooted in Judeo-Christian traditions, offers a unique blend of historical reverence and personal spirituality. These sacred spaces serve not only as a focal point for prayer and worship but also as a tangible connection to the divine, commemorating the angels, saints, and beloved departed who form the "cloud of witnesses" (Hebrews 12:1) encouraging us from beyond.

The History and Symbolism of Judeo-Christian Altars

In both Judeo-Christian traditions, altars have been central to worship practices, symbolizing the presence of God and serving as a site for sacrifice, prayer, and remembrance. From the early altars built by the patriarchs in the Old Testament to the ornate altars found in Christian churches, these sacred spaces have evolved, yet their core purpose remains unchanged: to honor God and facilitate a deep, personal communion with the divine.

The altar, traditionally, is a place of sacrifice and offering. In Jewish tradition, it recalls the sacrifices made at the Temple in Jerusalem, a poignant reminder of one's devotion and submission to God's will. In Christianity, the altar becomes a symbol of Christ himself, the ultimate sacrifice, and the Eucharist celebrated on it represents the Last Supper, a memorial of Christ's passion and a celebration of His resurrection.

Creating a Family Altar

Setting up a family altar at home can be a beautiful way to bring this sacred tradition into your personal space, allowing for reflection, prayer, and connection with your faith on a daily basis.

1. Choose a Meaningful Location: Select a quiet, respectful spot in your home where family members can gather without distractions.


2. Incorporate Sacred Items: Place symbols of your faith on the altar. This may include religious texts, icons or statues of saints, candles, and other items of personal significance that inspire devotion.

3. Personalize with Remembrances: Include photos or mementos of loved ones who have passed on to symbolize their continued presence in your spiritual life.

Using Your Home Altar

Your family altar can become a cornerstone of your daily worship practices, offering a space for various spiritual activities:

Prayer and Meditation: Use the altar as a focus for your daily prayers, individual meditation, or group worship within the family.


Reading Scripture or Devotional Materials: Allocate time for reading and reflection on religious texts at your altar, enriching your understanding and connection to your faith.


Celebrating the Liturgical Year: Decorate your altar according to the religious seasons and feast days, making it a dynamic part of your spiritual journey throughout the year.


Remembrance and Intercession: Dedicate time to remember the saints and loved ones, asking for their intercession and celebrating their lives as part of the great cloud of witnesses.

Incorporating these practices can turn your family altar into a vibrant, living part of your home, where faith is nurtured, and the connection between the earthly and the divine is tangibly felt. It serves not just as a reminder of those who have gone before us but also as a beacon of hope and faith for the living, echoing the enduring love and grace that flows from the Judeo-Christian tradition.

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Feb 09
Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

Incredibly thoughtful blog post with wonderful ideas to promote faith and family. Bravo!

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